The visitor center provides an overview of the site, its history and the position of Sayner Hütte: visitors can get a spatial impression of the site by means of a model. On a tour of the exhibition, historical exhibits and the presentation of key figures in contemporary history tell of a network at the heart of which Sayner Hütte stood during its operation.

In the unique cast iron building, visitors can experience how raw iron and cast iron were produced at Sayner Hütte. Along the "Path of Raw Materials", a detailed model of the plant and historical production exhibits provide insight into the iron smelting process. Several augmented reality steles allow visitors to see parts of the plant that no longer exist.

The highlight is the tapping of molten pig iron at the blast furnace. The central process of iron smelting is brought to life with an emotional light and sound production: Water wheels turn, machines whistle, workers gather in front of the blast furnace and prepare to tap - until the pig iron appears to flow red-hot into the ingot bed.
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+49 711 5503750
jn jangled nerves gmbh
hallstrasse 25
de-70376 stuttgart
+86 21 34306800
jangled nerves china
no. 2007 hongmei road
xuhui district, shanghai