Krypta Münster Basel

Back to life

Crypts are mystical places. Even more so if they have lain hidden for decades, like the crossing crypt under Basel’s Heinrichsmünster cathedral. After this sacred space had been excavated by Archäologische Bodenforschung Basel, jangled nerves was brought on board to show it off.

At the heart of the multimedia presentation is a 270-degree installation that provides visitors with an experience of the cathedral's long history, stretching from the first Carolingian structure (820 AD) to the newer, late-Gothic building(1500 AD). The permanent exhibition is also the main attraction on a tour of the city that explores sites bearing traces of Basel’s Celtic, Roman and medieval past.

This mysterious site under the crossing lay was cloaked in darkness for almost a century. It was only in 1966 that archaeologists started to make their way through the debris and masonry. In doing so, they also unveiled the only place in the cathedral where the remains of all previous structures can be seen. After that, the space remained untouched for 50 years, with only a concrete visitor platform created for visiting experts. Ultimately, it took until the anniversary year of 2019 for the fully restored space to be brought back to life.

The crypt’s walls have witnessed more than a thousand years of history, which is explained by a series of plaques on the building’s foundation walls, a large exhibition cabinet filled with numerous artefacts and a multimedia display that is projected onto the walls of the crypt itself, offering an in-depth look at the history of both the cathedral and the city of Basel.

As well as exploring the history of the cathedral and the crypt’s construction, the production also looks at the changes that the city of Basel has undergone overtime. The lighting and sound effects created by jangled nerves and Idee & Klang undoubtedly play a part in this, giving visitors a uniquely vivid insight into the cathedral fire of 1185, in particular. Incidentally, it took some time to put together a perfect blend of sounds that wasn’t too loud: after all, a crypt is a mystical place, not a cinema.

Archäologische Bodenforschung Basel
Basel, Switzerland
Marco Bernasconi, Philippe Saurbeck

The multimedia production is reminiscent of a shadow play, with only the silhouettes of the actors and props visible. Authenticity was a key consideration when producing the film sequences. The costumes, props and dynamic displays, such as the way in which a medieval stonemason taps away with his antique tool, had to look absolutely perfect and historically correct.

Archäologische Bodenforschung Basel
Basel, Switzerland
Marco Bernasconi, Philippe Saurbeck

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